History Journal
JHICE : INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH INFORMATION, COMPUTERIZATION, ENGINEERING, AND APPLIED SCIENCE (E-ISSN : 2809-6916) was first published in January 2021. JHICE Editor-in-Chief at that time : Prof. Dr. Rahadian Zainul, S.Pd., M.Si,
Editorial Board : Viko Ladelta, Ph.D., Dr. Yosza Dasril Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Dra. R. Iis Arifiantini, MSi., Prof. Dr. Ing. Mitra Djamal., Dr. Hamidreza Kashefi., Dr. Nor Hasniza Ibrahim.
Production Editor: Amalia Putri Lubis, M.Pd.
In 2022 the Chief Editor will be: Prof. Dr. Rahadian Zainul, S.Pd., M.si. with Managing Editor Budhi Oktavia, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.
Starting Volume 2 No 1 January 2022, JHICE : INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH INFORMATION, COMPUTERIZATION, ENGINEERING, AND APPLIED SCIENCE (E-ISSN : 2809-6916) started to implement the OJS (Open Journal System) system.
In 2021, our journal will publish 2 editions a year, namely January-June and July-December. The first issue is published every January 1, and the second issue is every July 1. From 2021 until now, Persis publishes MIPA Education manuscripts.